One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Kayondo Musa – Senior Lecturer / HOD
- Joseph Ngonzi – Associate Professor
- Yarine Fajardo – Professor
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi – Senior Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye – Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha – Lecturer
- Mark Lugobe Henry – Lecturer
8. Kato Paul Kalyebara – Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Kayondo Musa,
IT-contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.
One of the departments in the faculty of medicine mandated with offering clinical services, education and research in the field of reproductive health. It had seven faculty at different ranks with a departmental head. There are 6 MoH specialists OBGYN who share the responsibilities. We have 16 midwives at different levels of seniority.
The Maternal Child Health (MCH) section cares for over 10,000 pregnant women annually and the labour suit supervises over 11000 deliveries 38% of which are by Caesarean section. We offer referral services to the population in 10 districts of the South Western Uganda and beyond.
It is organized in different clinical divisions including the Maternal Fetal Medicine, Urogynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning , Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, General Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.
The department offers courses to 3rd and 5th year medical students from MUST and postgraduate program leading to the award Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with several. Several candidates are currently pursuing their PhD programs.
Every semester we host an average of 50 3rd year and 5th year students. We currently have 25 post graduate students spread over the 3 years of training. We also offer clinical practicum sites for several institutions in Uganda and internationally.
Contribute to training of health-care providers through education in participation in clinical skills sessions, best research and community-based activities in the area of reproductive health so as to address shortage of health professionals, reduce mortality and morbidity related to maternal, newborn and gynecological conditions.
To be recognized as a center of excellence in maternal and reproductive health education, clinical care, research and community service. We seek to become the most competitive maternal and reproductive health training department in the region with deliverables by responsible, accountable and committed staff.
To produce quality and relevant health care professional doctors in the area of maternal, newborn and reproductive health.
The services and activities offered by the department are summarized in three broad categories of Clinical service, Education/Training and Research
- Emilio Ceasar Sanchez, Associate Professor
- Joseph Ngozi, Senior Lecturer
- Godfrey Rwambuka Mugyenyi, Senior Lecturer
- Ronald Mayanja, Lecturer
- Musa Kayondo, Lecturer
- Julius Mugisha, Lecturer
- Hamson Kanyesigye, Lecturer
Postgraduate Courses
The department offers a program leading to the award of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to doctors comprising Ugandan nationals, East African and International community
Introduction: This is a 3 year training program of Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Course is full time and aimed at helping a student in;
- Increasing skills and ability to integrate knowledge to Clinical situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, Patients, relatives and communities.
- Acquiring appropriate attitudes towards his/her colleagues, patients and situations at an advanced level.
- Acquiring managerial skills which other than being a Clinician could help him/her in executing his/her duties as he/she interacts in this world.
The current population of Uganda is estimated to be 35 million. The current population growth rate is 3% per year. Maternal mortality rate is 438/100,000 (2011, UDHS) and as high as 1200/100,000 in some areas within Uganda. Infant Mortality rate of 97/1,000 live birth remains high. Total fertility rate of 6.9 remains high with a low contraceptive rate of 23% Teenage Pregnancy rate remains high at 43% with the scourge of HIV/AIDS; all the gains that had been achieved in maternal and infant health have been reversed. Most of the factors which lead to bad health indicators are preventable conditions. Currently we have about 130 Gynaecologists in our Country, and about 75% of them are urban based. It is against this background that there is need to train more Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to meet the maternal health demands of our population.
General Objective/Overall Aim
Top overall goal of the program is to train specialists who are competent in Clinical operative emergency and elective obstetric and Gynaecological surgery, well equipped with knowledge in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Specific Objective
- A broad working knowledge of obstetrics and Gynaecology and related disciplines.
- Specialized skills in Clinical data gathering, and sound clinical judgment.
- Ability to perform specialized diagnostic procedure.
- Proficiency in performing the obstetric and Gynaecological surgery.
- Acquire communication skills and ability to teach.
- Develop further an appropriate positive attitude towards patients and their families as individuals with right and needs and exercise professional as well as ethical conduct.
- Ensure proficiency in patient care and critical case analysis and presentation.
- Acquire the epidemiologic principals and methods of clinical research.
- Promote commitment towards personal and professional growth.
- Demonstrate research capability through production of an acceptable dissertation.
Admission/Entry requirements
For admission to the master of medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology course the candidate must.
- Prospective candidates will respond to the advertisement by the office of the Academic registrar MUST
- Be a registered medical practitioner with a minimum qualification of MBChB or an equivalent degree. The qualification must be registered by the Uganda medical and dental practitioner’s council (UMDPC).
- Has been in recognizable institution for at least one year after full registration.
- Should possess a current annual practicing license
- Should not have failed in obstetrics and Gynecology at undergraduate level
- May be requested to apply, sit and pass entry examination
Contact Us – Email:
Head of Department – Dr. Joseph Ngonzi,
ICT contact person – Dr. Godfrey Mugyenyi Rwambuka, Tel +256 772 543238
Celebrating the Obstetrics and Gynecology departmental Achievements on the 16th January 2017, these include;
The best performance department in whole Regional in terms of delivery and Surgery, 10,000 women every year (last year’s indication), Increased the number of Postgraduate from 01 to 30, Training students for the whole region. Namely
Southern Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Kenya and Kigali.
Increased the numbers of Interns from 02 to 07. It has become a super department with super specialists in urogynecology and reconstructive surgery, Family Planning and Fetal Maternal medicine, and Cancer of the female reproductive system. Increased the number of specialist from 1 to 14 specialists.
The reason to why the department is celebrating, is to recognize the Uganda’s Crane Qualification to the Africa Cup of Nations that took 39 years.
Head of Department being the Captain 14 Specialists being the defenders, 07 Interns being strikers and the Postgraduates being midfielders.