About Community Health
The Department of Community Health (DoCH), under the Faculty of Medicine at MUST offers undergraduate and graduate training in public health leading to a Masters of Public Health. Departmental staffs offer expertise in a wide range of fields in the realm of public health that include: Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Demography and Population studies; Maternal and Child health; Environmental and Occupational health; infectious and Non communicable diseases, Health services management and Health systems research and Clinical trials.
The DoCH has registered success in medical education specifically in the training of doctors with a higher level of commitment for community service, a desire to work in rural areas and provision of technical support to national and district health programs. The department has extensive ‘reach’ at the community level across southwestern Uganda and is actively involved in community-based health programming within local communities in the region.
The department has over two decades of experience and demonstrated expertise in local health programming and delivery of health services including monitoring and evaluation. Previous and current projects implemented in partnership with the districts in the region and other development partners include; Interventions geared to improving human resources for health[http://www.huraprim.ugent.be/drupal/?q=about/department-community-health… research capacity development for outcomes in water and sanitation[www.africansnows.org]; Interventions for household management of fever, pneumonia and diarrhea[www.massgeneralcenterforglobalhealth.org/…/BIMI_Executive_Sum]; health care financing-output based aid [www.healthsystems2020.org/…/2576_file_Uganda_Brief_FIN_Small]; malaria diagnostic clinical and cost-effectiveness trial; effectiveness of village health teams in integrated community case management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea for children below five years of age.
The department collaborates with a number of organizations that include: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University School of Public Health, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, World Health Organization, Ministry of Health Uganda, District Local Governments, Case Western Reserve University, University of Georgia, World Bank, Population Council, Save the Children Uganda, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), CARE International, FHI360, University of California Berkeley, Italian Cooperation (ISS, Rome), Makerere University, Gulu University, and Lund University among others.